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Autógrafos y letras de Ernest Borgnine recibidos (pagina 1 de 3):

Ernest Borgnine Success - 10 de julio de 2012
A while ago I recieved these. I was so saddened by his passing yesterday, I feel blessed to have gotten these. 1st Picture: ... gnine.jpg/ 2nd Picture: ... nine2.jpg/ No return address on envelope, but unfortuantly, there is probably no point in saying the address I used. Rest In Peace Ernest. 1917-2012 Also, Im a bit new to this, so if anyone could fill me in on what some of the abbreviations mean, I would appreciate it. I know, AP and PP and LOR. Anything else would be a help.

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Ernest Borgnine Success! - 17 de mayo de 2012
I wrote Ernest Borgnine a LOR on February 24, 2012. (I know that because I wrote it on the letter) I received it back three weeks later. I feel so lucky that he signed and personalized my pictures, seeing that he doesnt sign anymore. He even returned my letter with a note on it! Hes so funny! I dont remember the address because he didnt put his address on the envelope and its not in the database anymore. P.S- Has anyone ever heard of Kenny Hammono or Hammano or something like that? He signed the letter too. Picture: ... gnine.jpg/ Picture: ... nine2.jpg/ Envelope: ... 44142.jpg/ Yes, I do realize that the envelope image stinks. My scanner crapped out on me about half-hour ago. <img src=

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Ernest Borgnine - REJECTED!!! - 12 de abril de 2012
(4) Rejection Letter Ernest Borgnine Mailed: 1/15/11 (3 - 4x6) 1 Year & 1½ Month Turnaround Received: 2/25/12 Returned Pictures with Rejection Letter I made a mistake posting on someone elses post about mine taking 9 months, actually it was well over a year to get a rejection. He's an old man so I understand the rejection. When I hit his age I most likely won't to do nothing but fish. However, OVER A YEAR for a rejection letter? That's just insane. Used address in database.

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ernest borgnine RTS - 22 de marzo de 2012
I send a letter with 2 pictures and 3 IRC I received my letter in RTS but a note inside write "Thank you very much for sending your autograph request to Mr. Borgnine. Unfortunately, due to a high volume of mail, autograph requests have not been addressed as timely as anticipated. As such, and with regret, Mr. Borgnine no longer personally signs out of his office, but may, on occasion, be making personal appearances and signing at a limited number of autograph show events. It has meant a great deal to Mr. Borgnine to know how much you have supported him through the years. He has so many wonderful fans worldwide and appreciates each and every one of you." Address used: Ernest Borgnine Address Removed USA

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Si un envío no puede ser entregado al destinatario, es devuelto al remitente.
Ernest Borgnine Great Success - 11 de marzo de 2012
Hi, In 2009 I bought a signed autobiography of Ernest Borgnine from a bookshop in London(The Cinema Store) where he signed over 500 copies in one day, at the age of 92-93 years old !! I wrote a letter to him, never hear anything for 6-8 months, I wrote another letter saying I had written to him, he replied apologised saying he mislaid my letter and sent a lovely photo! Then last week out of the blue I received another photo signed saying letter found sorry for the delay, 2 1/2 years later. Now have four photos signed over the last 20 years !! Although I know he does not always sign now I have been lucky, and still acting at 95 years old. Great for his age. kind regards Sean

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